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Welcome to UCI

Well, the term starts tomorrow. We've been here since July and I must admit the wait was infuriating. Why I had to come so early to secure housing, I don't understand, particularly because it's not as thought I was provided with any work opportunities. Luckily I found a teaching job at the end of the summer and things worked themselves out but... what a pain.

That said, I'm super stoked to be here. Irvine is definitely a little... boring. But it's also beautiful and I've never had a milder summer in my life. I understand I have a similarly mild winter to look forward to as well.

The kids have adjusted well to their new environments, though they're not too fond of the utter lack of cultural diversity despite the vibrant degree of ethnic diversity. And though the schools are definitely competitive, more so than maybe they're used to, their finding their place. And, hey, we always have the beach, amiright?

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